lmpertek was founded in 1985 in the province of Venice as a family business for the laying of PVC sheaths and membrane. Over time it has transformed into a solid production reality specializing its market in two sectors: waterproofing and supports for raised floors. The most mportant line is Pedestal Line which, thanks also to the recent launch of Balance Pro, offers solutions for any height and a quick and flat installation of any flooring. The same range will soon welcome SteelMart, the new metal support with fire resistance class Al, which also complies with the latest safety regulations. Strengths are the research and evolution of products, the ability to process orders in 21/48 hours for 80% of the items in the catalogue and the attention to the customer provided by 30 collaborators and a network of 50 agents. These characteristics have proved successful also in international scenarios, favouring the growth of turnover and expanding sales to foreign markets such as the USA and Australia.