FLOOR FORUM INTERNATIONAL N.119 NOVEMBER 2021 lmpertek was founded in 1985 in the province of Venice as a family business for the laying #steelmart #floor forum read more
FLOOR FORUM N.115 MARCH 2021 Very often these are large areas of great historical value and, due to the abandonment, are #rail system #floor forum #megamart read more
FLOOR FORUM N.112 NOVEMBRE 2020 Impertek has always been strongly oriented towards technological research to improve #Pedestal Line #BalancePro #floor forum read more
Floor Forum International N.105 November 2019 So far, the raised laying of tile floors and decking in outdoor areas has required very different and complex stands and accessories. Even with the most complete mixed systems, which allow adequate... #Pedestal Line #rail system #castel thun #floor forum read more